A Day in the Lifestyle - March
Hello! And welcome to another day with us!
Morning Routine: I've committed to finding some good at-home workouts for the next couple weeks, so I will find some to share with you soon! If you have any that I should check out, let me know! I really enjoy my routine of going for a run and then doing yoga, so it's taking me a minute to switch tracks and implement something else. I know that I could still be going for a run. It's just that my family's schedule is different now and it doesn't work for me to just peace out for an hour or two to go run. I need to rearrange my schedule a bit - I'll be working on that in the next week.
However, for the most part, I'm trying to keep my morning routine intact during this time. That includes getting dressed, wearing makeup, doing my hair, etc. Another product I've been enjoying is this Tarte Bronzer in Park Avenue Princess. Tarte is one of my favorite brands. I've used it for years and have always been impressed.
Breakfast: I made a super yummy, somewhat healthy Peanut Butter Banana breakfast cake.
Lunch: Thursday is leftover day, so you can probably guess what we had...yes, leftover chili.
Tasks: I spent significant hours on the phone arguing with the company that manages my Flex account - the conversation did not end well, but to be a decent human, I will refrain from linking to their site and discouraging everyone to do business with them. ARGH. I also spent some time talking to our doctor about how much safer it would be to just call my son's asthma medicine in to CVS than to demand that he be seen. After some discussion, I am happy to report we were on the same page. All the necessary medicines have been obtained and appropriately stored.
Dinner: I'm sure my family is thrilled that we finished off the leftover chili at lunch, so we did not have that. But we did have leftover brisket and veggies. Sorry, I'm big on not wasting leftovers. Almost every Thursday and Sunday night are leftover nights in our house. I have a bad habit of cooking waaaay too much food for our family. I freeze what I can, share with others when appropriate, and really push the leftover nights. I could change how I cook, but when you have a large family, you never know when something will come up - it's nice to have leftovers to fall back on.
Family Time: This was amazing. Not only was yesterday my 40th birthday, but Dan and I celebrated our first anniversary, as well. Did we spend it as we had planned? Well, no. But I was not disappointed.
My wonderful husband actually brought these home on Monday because he didn't want anything to get in the way of making sure I had flowers on our anniversary. He then put together an adorable homemade gift highlighting his top 40 favorite memories of our time together. The kids also chipped in with sweet gifts and just an overall great day. Yes, we had to put off a 40th birthday bash, but I am completely okay with that. I spent the evening with my family, just hanging out and laughing together. Couldn't ask for more.
Evening routine: Sorry, still reading the same book. Still using the same moisturizer. Still wrapping up laundry and dishes before bed. I don't really have much to share here.
As always, thanks for joining us as we enjoy our blessed life. Feel free to share any questions or comments with us. Have a beautiful day, loves.
**This post contains affiliate links, which means I may get a commission if you decide to purchase anything from the linked companies. Unless otherwise stated, I only recommend products I use and like.