A Day in the Lifestyle - August
Hello! And welcome to another beautiful day in our life! I'm so glad you could join us. I can't believe it's been so long since I've had a chance to post anything on here! The summer has quickly gotten away from me! I didn't post a single thing in July! We are still really busy around here, but I'm hoping to do better at posting.
Morning Routine: You can view my full morning routine here. I'm still using 8fit for my morning workout and loving it. It's one of the few apps that I'm more than happy to pay to renew this year. The workouts and meal plan are exactly what I need to stay healthy. Can't recommend enough.
Breakfast: We have been eating a lot of smoothies around here. A lot. Today, I made a smoothie with one carrot, 1/2 banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter and a cup and a half of almond milk. It was pretty easy and pretty good, so if you're looking for a quick, healthy morning breakfast, there you go! I also made these blueberry muffins from Brown-eyed Baker on Saturday. They were a hit!
I thought you might also want to see this cute pancake board I made! It was my first try, so I was excited!
It was super easy. I would have preferred to not include grapes, but we were out of strawberries and besides, I know everyone puts grapes on pancakes, right?
Tea: We are still enjoying our summer teas from The Tea Smith. This morning, I brewed Blue Butterfly Garden. This herbal tea isn't one of my favorites, but it's still really good.
Shopping: Oh my, do I have treasures to show you!
First of all, these adorable notecards from Whitney Simms Studio.
I am absolutely in love with these. She has other designs available on the website, as well as stickers. I hear that there may also be calendars available soon, as well. You really should check these out.
I also bought this beautiful door hanger from a lady back in my hometown. I saw a picture she posted on Facebook and I had to have one! If you are interested, send me a message and I will reach out to her.
And finally, I bought myself one of these:
What is this? A Xerox Workcenter 6515 or something like that. A printer that was supposed to be super cool, but which I've had for two weeks now and hasn't printed a single thing because I can't figure it out. So.....
Lunch: I eat a lot of salads for lunch. Again, we've been really busy the last month, so my meal-planning isn't quite up to par. Today, we had an arugula salad with chick peas, green olives, sun-dried tomatoes, and cucumbers. I usually (not always) dress my salads with olive oil, pepper, and a little bit of salt.
Snacks: Most recently, we've been snacking on this Espresso Cookie.
I know I usually give you folks all my recipes, but this time, well, I can't. However, you can check out this cookie and many of my other cookies at Buttercream Delight.
Drinks: We have been sipping a little bit on this Fireball Lemonade. I will admit that ours is amazing because I make it with my homemade lemonade, as opposed to store-bought, but I'm sure it's great either way.
Supper: Again, my meal planning isn't quite as organized as it usually is. We had some Garlic Mushroom Mac last night. We also tried out Swine Dining BBQ last weekend and it was so good. Not healthy, but good.
Family Time: Our daughter turned 14 yesterday and she wanted a small, safe road trip. We agreed on Oklahoma City, which is about a seven hour drive from our house. We had such a great time!

We were also lucky enough to briefly get to see my parents, as well as my little brother and his girlfriend last weekend. Unfortunately, we always forget to take pictures! I have exactly one picture from the entire weekend.
I'm not completely sure what's going on here, but I feel like they are having a good time.
Evening Routine: You can read my full evening routine here. As for evening reading, I've read quite a few books since I posted last. In the last week or two, I finished The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates and The Girl in the Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz. Yesterday, I started the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. So far, it's as good as everyone has said it is.
The Last Word: If you're looking for a way to give back, but don't feel safe volunteering in person right now, here's a quick read on how to volunteer online.
And that's all I have for today. I hope you're all having a wonderful day!